What To Do When

Webinar: Making stress your best friend
Aug 26 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Making stress your best friend

Making stress your best friend

Rethinking the way you view stress can provide benefits to your health. Discover how stress can be your “early warning system” so you can understand it, manage it and make it work for you as often as possible. You can even use stress to fire up your energy and creativity and not just survive but thrive.

Webinar: Getting unstuck: Breaking old habits
Sep 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Getting unstuck: Breaking old habits

Getting unstuck: Breaking old habits

Habits can be helpful. But some can be problematic or even harmful to yourself or others. While it can be difficult, it’s possible to break lifelong habits. Are you ready for the challenge? Join this webinar to learn strategies to get control over even the most stubborn habits!

Webinar: Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope
Nov 11 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope

Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope

The holidays are upon us and most people are feeling the extra stress and tension. Join this important webinar to get ideas on how to manage the pace of the next few months … and enjoy your holidays!

  • Causes of holiday stress
  • Demands of holiday season
  • Tips for managing your expectations and stress level for a happier holiday time!
Webinar: Healthy boundaries in online relationships
Feb 24 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Healthy boundaries in online relationships

Healthy boundaries in online relationships

Virtual connections occur more frequently today than ever before, and healthy boundaries are important in any relationship, online relationships being no different. This training will discuss how online connections differ from physical ones, and the impact the internet and social media can have in how we relate to others. We’ll discuss scenarios on how to create balanced online relational boundaries so we can stay connected to each other, but still grounded in ourselves.