What To Do When

Webinar: Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend
Jul 8 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend

Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend

Many of us spend our days running around taking care of our responsibilities. The demands of work, family and home can feel consuming. This webinar is designed to help you take a moment to focus on yourself and what you need to feel better, function better and help others more.

  • Recognize the importance of loving yourself
  • Identify pitfalls to self self-esteem
  • Develop skills to support a positive self self-image
Webinar: Communicating with teens
Aug 5 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Communicating with teens

Communicating with teens

Has your sweet child changed into an eye-rolling, self-obsessed stranger? Parenting teens comes with special challenges. They’re not children but they’re not yet adults. This webinar will review:

  • Problems talking with teens
  • Different kinds of conversations
  • Tips for talking with teens
Webinar: Being your best self: Self-esteem for adults
Aug 17 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Being your best self: Self-esteem for adults

Being your best self: Self-esteem for adults

Do you put yourself down even when praised, see your efforts as never quite “good enough,” or doubt your decisions most of the time? If so, it could be low self-esteem that’s causing you to be extra hard on yourself. Even as grown-ups, feeling confident and secure inside can be a challenge at times. Join in to learn about adult self-esteem and get tips on how to improve how you feel about you!

Webinar: Getting unstuck: Breaking old habits
Sep 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Getting unstuck: Breaking old habits

Getting unstuck: Breaking old habits

Habits can be helpful. But some can be problematic or even harmful to yourself or others. While it can be difficult, it’s possible to break lifelong habits. Are you ready for the challenge? Join this webinar to learn strategies to get control over even the most stubborn habits!

Webinar: Change: How to adapt, cope and respond
Sep 28 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Change: How to adapt, cope and respond

Change: How to adapt, cope and respond

Change is the one constant in our lives. So why is change always so hard? This webinar is intended to provide you with a basic understanding of how you can navigate all this change.

  • Impact of change
  • Phase of change
  • Tools to cope with change
Webinar: How to disagree and stay friends
Oct 12 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: How to disagree and stay friends

How to disagree and stay friends

These days, there seem to be more topics than ever that people have very strong feelings about. Your closest friends and family may differ on matters big and small. So how do you disagree — but not put the relationship in peril? Join this webinar to discuss and learn some ways to voice your disagreement — and still, hopefully, preserve your important relationships.

Webinar: Overcoming the fear of commitment
Oct 21 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Overcoming the fear of commitment

Overcoming the fear of commitment

Do you have a fear of committing to relationships? Does that fear impact your family, friendships or on-the-job relationships? Join this webinar to learn more about the fear including:

  • What’s the definition of commitment?
  • The consequences of avoiding commitment
  • Common fears
  • Ways to overcome your fear
Webinar: The power of personality
Oct 26 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: The power of personality

The power of personality

Are you shy? Outgoing? Or maybe a bit of both? Join this webinar to learn about personality traits and types. And how every aspect of your personality plays a part in what makes you “you.”

Webinar: No more FOMO: Fear of missing out
Nov 4 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: No more FOMO: Fear of missing out

No more FOMO: Fear of missing out

Are you living on social media? Are you afraid you’re going to miss out on something big? If so, join us to discuss ways to overcome FOMO and start living in the here and now.

Webinar: Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope
Nov 11 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope

Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope

The holidays are upon us and most people are feeling the extra stress and tension. Join this important webinar to get ideas on how to manage the pace of the next few months … and enjoy your holidays!

  • Causes of holiday stress
  • Demands of holiday season
  • Tips for managing your expectations and stress level for a happier holiday time!