What To Do When

Webinar: What’s your happiness score? Tips on living a happier, healthier life
Mar 18 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: What's your happiness score? Tips on living a happier, healthier life

What’s your happiness score? Tips on living a happier, healthier life

How happy are you? If you’re like most people, you might be chasing after the wrong things to be happy. This webinar will provide you with:

  • The definition of happiness
  • A snapshot of your own happiness
  • Tips to feel happier
Webinar: Nurturing friendships
Apr 6 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Nurturing friendships

Nurturing friendships

What do your friendships mean to you? Are you looking to make new connections or wonder how to say goodbye to old ones? Join this webinar to learn:

  • Where to find friends
  • How to maintain and nurture friendships
  • How to say good-bye to a friendship that is not healthy or no longer working
Webinar: Putting kids first: Co-parenting with your ex
Apr 22 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Putting kids first: Co-parenting with your ex

Putting kids first: Co-parenting with your ex

Research shows that co-parenting effectively leads to happier and more well-adjusted children. The key is to focus on the children and not your feelings about your ex. However, this may not be easy! Join this webinar to learn:

  • What exactly is co-parenting?
  • Tips on how to co-parent
  • How to handle those bumps in the road
Webinar: Think yourself healthy
May 20 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Think yourself healthy

Think yourself healthy

How important is your thinking? Does your attitude really matter? Join this webinar to learn about:

  • How your thoughts can impact your overall wellbeing
  • The power of visualization
  • Tips to improve your health and happiness
Webinar: Hobbies: Good medicine for mind and body
Jun 24 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Hobbies: Good medicine for mind and body

Hobbies: Good medicine for mind and body

Sometimes we get so busy in our everyday lives that we forget to do things we enjoy. This includes making time for hobbies. Hobbies are activities we do because we like them, they give us time out from our routines and they bring pleasure. Join this webinar to learn more about:

  • Why everyone needs hobbies
  • How we benefit from hobbies
  • How to identify hobbies that are right for you
Webinar: Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope
Nov 11 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope

Holiday stress: What to expect and how to cope

The holidays are upon us and most people are feeling the extra stress and tension. Join this important webinar to get ideas on how to manage the pace of the next few months … and enjoy your holidays!

  • Causes of holiday stress
  • Demands of holiday season
  • Tips for managing your expectations and stress level for a happier holiday time!
Webinar: Giving the gift of forgiveness
Dec 9 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Giving the gift of forgiveness

Giving the gift of forgiveness

We will learn what happens when you are harmed, hurt or offended. We will discuss what forgiveness is, who it is for, the benefits of it and the steps to forgive those who have offended you.