What To Do When

Webinar: Don’t wait until Monday: Get motivated now
Feb 9 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Don't wait until Monday: Get motivated now

Don’t wait until Monday: Get motivated now

Do you find you’re always putting off your goals? Maybe you always tell yourself you’ll “start Monday.” Today is the day to start! This webinar will discuss:

  • Different types of motivation
  • Tips for getting motivated
  • How you can stay motivated and reach your goals
Webinar: Hobbies: Good medicine for mind and body
Jun 24 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Hobbies: Good medicine for mind and body

Hobbies: Good medicine for mind and body

Sometimes we get so busy in our everyday lives that we forget to do things we enjoy. This includes making time for hobbies. Hobbies are activities we do because we like them, they give us time out from our routines and they bring pleasure. Join this webinar to learn more about:

  • Why everyone needs hobbies
  • How we benefit from hobbies
  • How to identify hobbies that are right for you
Webinar: Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend
Jul 8 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend

Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend

Many of us spend our days running around taking care of our responsibilities. The demands of work, family and home can feel consuming. This webinar is designed to help you take a moment to focus on yourself and what you need to feel better, function better and help others more.

  • Recognize the importance of loving yourself
  • Identify pitfalls to self self-esteem
  • Develop skills to support a positive self self-image
Webinar: Social anxiety: Overcoming the fear of being judged
Jul 22 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Social anxiety: Overcoming the fear of being judged

Social anxiety: Overcoming the fear of being judged

Learn more about social anxiety and how to overcome the fear of being judged. We will identify the signs and symptoms associated with social anxiety as well as the causes and risk factors. You will discover ways you can work to overcome social anxiety and find helpful tools and resources that can help along the way.

Webinar: No more FOMO: Fear of missing out
Nov 4 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: No more FOMO: Fear of missing out

No more FOMO: Fear of missing out

Are you living on social media? Are you afraid you’re going to miss out on something big? If so, join us to discuss ways to overcome FOMO and start living in the here and now.

Webinar: Just the way you are
Dec 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Just the way you are

Just the way you are

We can be so hard on ourselves. Especially in a world where there’s such focus on how we look and what we wear. In this webinar we’ll review:

  • What goes into body image
  • The importance of a healthy body image
  • Steps to improve your body image
Webinar: Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone
Feb 17 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone

Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone

Finding comfort beyond your comfort zone Does the idea of taking a risk in your work or personal life frighten you? If so, you’re not alone.

  • Learn more about the boundaries of your own comfort zone
  • Consider what factors may be keeping you from trying new things
  • Get ideas on ways to nudge yourself to take on reasonable risks

2/17 at 3-4 pm ET / 12-1pm PT