What To Do When

Webinar: Drawing the line: How to set boundaries
Jul 27 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Drawing the line: How to set boundaries

Drawing the line: How to set boundaries

Setting boundaries is an important part of self-care. Join this webinar to learn more about why you need to take charge of your boundaries — like learning your own limits, and deciding when to say “no” — and the steps for doing that.

Building self-esteem in children
Jan 20 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Building self-esteem in children

Building self-esteem in children

What’s the single most valuable gift parents can give their kids? A strong sense of self-esteem. Join this webinar to learn:

  • Why self-esteem is so important for your children
  • How your children’s’ self-esteem influences their behavior, school performance, friendships—as well as careers, relationships and day-to-day life beyond childhood
  • Specific ways you can help boost your children’s self-esteem
Webinar: Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone
Feb 17 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone

Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone

Finding comfort beyond your comfort zone Does the idea of taking a risk in your work or personal life frighten you? If so, you’re not alone.

  • Learn more about the boundaries of your own comfort zone
  • Consider what factors may be keeping you from trying new things
  • Get ideas on ways to nudge yourself to take on reasonable risks

2/17 at 3-4 pm ET / 12-1pm PT