What To Do When

Webinar: Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend
Jul 8 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend

Who loves you: Becoming your own best friend

Many of us spend our days running around taking care of our responsibilities. The demands of work, family and home can feel consuming. This webinar is designed to help you take a moment to focus on yourself and what you need to feel better, function better and help others more.

  • Recognize the importance of loving yourself
  • Identify pitfalls to self self-esteem
  • Develop skills to support a positive self self-image
Learning to say “no”: an important life skill
Jan 13 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Learning to say "no": an important life skill

Learning to say “no”: an important life skill

Do you feel obligated to say yes? If so, this webinar will discuss:

  • How to say “no” without feeling bad or hurting others
  • Understanding why you agree to things you don’t want to do or don’t have time for
  • How to set boundaries with others by saying “no” and feeling good about it!
Webinar: Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone
Feb 17 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone

Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone

Finding comfort beyond your comfort zone Does the idea of taking a risk in your work or personal life frighten you? If so, you’re not alone.

  • Learn more about the boundaries of your own comfort zone
  • Consider what factors may be keeping you from trying new things
  • Get ideas on ways to nudge yourself to take on reasonable risks

2/17 at 3-4 pm ET / 12-1pm PT