What To Do When

Webinar: Nurturing friendships
Apr 6 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Nurturing friendships

Nurturing friendships

What do your friendships mean to you? Are you looking to make new connections or wonder how to say goodbye to old ones? Join this webinar to learn:

  • Where to find friends
  • How to maintain and nurture friendships
  • How to say good-bye to a friendship that is not healthy or no longer working
Webinar: End of life wishes: How to have the conversation
Aug 10 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: End of life wishes: How to have the conversation

End of life wishes: How to have the conversation

It’s a talk most families would like to avoid. Yet it’s important for family members to communicate their wishes and preferences for the end of their lives. Join this webinar to learn more about “the talk” and tips on how to have it.

Webinar: Communicating across differences: Making sure you understand and are understood
Sep 9 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Communicating across differences: Making sure you understand and are understood

Communicating across differences: Making sure you understand and are understood

Differences between people aren’t the exception—they’re common in today’s work and community environments. Join this webinar to consider the challenges of communicating with people who are different from you.

  • Review the basics of effective communication
  • Build awareness of how age, personal style, culture and other variables can be obstacles to understanding
  • Get tips on how to communicate more effectively across differences