What To Do When

Webinar: Challenges of working parents
Feb 25 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Challenges of working parents

Challenges of working parents

Did you know that both parents work in over half of two-parent households? This statistic is even higher for single caregivers. Join this webinar to learn about how to stay sane and keep a work-life balance. We will discuss:

  • Tips on time management
  • How to prep and plan
  • Divide and conquer
  • Making time for you
Webinar: Avoid these 10 money mistakes
Mar 30 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Avoid these 10 money mistakes

Avoid these 10 money mistakes

Are you having a hard time meeting your financial goals? You’re not alone. But the financial decisions you make now can cost you in the future. We’ll review:

  • Common money mistakes
  • Tips to make better financial decisions
  • Important financial priorities
Webinar: Putting kids first: Co-parenting with your ex
Apr 22 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar: Putting kids first: Co-parenting with your ex

Putting kids first: Co-parenting with your ex

Research shows that co-parenting effectively leads to happier and more well-adjusted children. The key is to focus on the children and not your feelings about your ex. However, this may not be easy! Join this webinar to learn:

  • What exactly is co-parenting?
  • Tips on how to co-parent
  • How to handle those bumps in the road
Learning to say “no”: an important life skill
Jan 13 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Learning to say "no": an important life skill

Learning to say “no”: an important life skill

Do you feel obligated to say yes? If so, this webinar will discuss:

  • How to say “no” without feeling bad or hurting others
  • Understanding why you agree to things you don’t want to do or don’t have time for
  • How to set boundaries with others by saying “no” and feeling good about it!